Minutes September 2023

MGuilford Garden Club


Location:  Maryland Center for Agriculture and Farm Park, Cockeysville

In attendance:  René Bookoff, Sue Chapelle, Andi Curran, Carol Garinther, Elizabeth Hansen, Dorcas Hutton, Robin Kemp, Kay McConnell, Sondra Oliver, Mary Ellen Pease, Laurel Peltier, Merritt Pridgeon, Leslie Rodgers, Terri Smith, Kathleen Truelove, Nettie Washburn, Suzanne Whitney, and Laura Wiesler

Guest:  Brenda Wilson, attending her second meeting.

New member Laurel Peltier was welcomed.

Both the minutes of the June 21 Annual Meeting and the budget for the upcoming year were approved.  Treasurer Laura Wiesler is looking to add another member to the Finance Committee.  The idea is to have co-treasurers with staggered terms to promote continuity.  This will require a revision of the bylaws.

A gift in late member Nancy Swindell’s name will be made to GCA.

Merritt presented the Member Minute, focusing this month on Sondra.

The possibility of printing a Native Plant Workbook is being explored.  Kay is working on content and she and Carol are getting pricing proposals.  A committee is needed to assess the viability of the workbook, and eventually to get it printed, marketed and distributed.  The hope is to have it ready by the February joint meeting with 3 other clubs (St. George’s, GC of Twenty, and Green Spring Valley).  People will be able to pay for it through the website.  It will be a fundraiser to help pay for the website, since the $5000 it cost needs to be replenished in the Club’s savings.

Suzanne and Robin reported on the community project at St. Francis Neighborhood Center.  The need at this time is to weed the garden that’s already planted. GGC members are not going to weed, but will educate St. Francis people how to do it.  Jean and Suzanne will visit the site in late October to evaluate the next steps.

A member survey was distributed.  Ideas are needed for future fundraisers and community projects.

On October 20 at 4 p.m. at Carol’s home (2007 Greenspring Valley Road, Stevenson 21153) a new member orientation will be held.  Although it’s specifically aimed at newcomers, all club members are welcome to attend.

Kathleen distributed the list of programs for the year, along with a signup sheet for hostess duty – bringing snacks & coffee to monthly meetings.

Future Board meetings are open to all members, especially committee chairs.  Tracy has left the nominating committee, to be replaced by Dorcas.  A committee chair is needed for scholarship and donations.

Federated news:  we are in Zone IV for Federated (v. Zone VI for GCA).  Federated has a bus trip to DC planned for October 3.  They are meeting at Meadowood to drive to the National Arboretum.

There will be a meeting to brainstorm conservation topics to be held at Laurel’s home (909 Rolandvue Ave. in Ruxton) this Thursday at 5 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Truelove

Substitute fill in secretary

In Mary Drain’s absence

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